Monday, August 28, 2006

Far Away

Where do we go from here?

Have I traveled to far from home?
Making it virtually imposable to ever return.

The moments in our lives that take us to new places and to different levels of life is the journey.

Third floor boyfriends and dramas
Sixth floor engagements and weddings

Well I have seen enough to know that I have a lot to learn and I need to reflect that in my mind to help me see a clear view of who I want to be in the future.
I find myself asking myself, if the stress and depression from school and work is worth it.
I think of all the time I am missing with friends and family.
Are my pets seeing enough of me and is the laundry done.
All these things shape the way I am, so do I think it’s worth it.
No! I don’t but I know that in a few years when I look back on it I hope to feel accomplished and not regretful.

Twentieth floor empty nester and retirement

Just go with it and don’t force anything.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

go with the flow baby! just ride that wave, that's what i'm doing!