Thursday, August 17, 2006

Think about it

On a lighter note and not letting things that get you down keep you down.
Here is a view I have been working on.

I have been thinking of things to set me apart from everyone else and maybe make some money at it.
I read and write and seek advice but I always seem to come off as a sniveling never was. I feel like in my quest for knowledge I am just bothering people.
Kind of like the little sister grabbing at the shirt of an older sister who doesn’t think it’s cool to be seen with her little sister.
This would explain why I never hear back from anyone, but after some thought I come to this:
People can’t do anything for me because they don’t know me from Eve.
They are people of movement and want to see action, I have to be able to step from the line of others and prove that I am a fighter like them.
In their eyes they have already walked this path and now it is my turn, I must take those same steps they have already taken in order to be able to understand.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Rough Olive!!!!!!
Remember we were born to sufferRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!! life is not easy but you have the talent and the drive to get where you want to be... JUST BELIEVE mi negra.....

"Balancing your weight in not like balancing your check book" Beeing good for one week does not mean that you can eat an extra cookie HEHEHHEHEHEHEHHEHEHEHEH
love you with all my heart and I miss you meow