Wednesday, September 06, 2006


You yell from the back room but I can’t seem to yell back
This, I think is because it forces me to try to get to you faster

When we talk, your views have changed and I can see a stronger man
A sexier man

You sleep light so when I fuss over not being able to sleep you wake up enough to brush my hair back, calming me

The words that drift from our mouths and into our ears are really heard by one another

We still play like school children

I want to be next to you in all your endeavors, forever

My pet name for you is commonly used among jail house jokes, that makes me laugh

Only you can make me giggle in a way that I wouldn’t want my friends to hear

We have code words that only our friends know

I hope you have a great day

Your wife


Anonymous said...

Thank you Babe!!!! You are my idol...

Anonymous said...

Keep writing do not stop.... I like what you write

Anonymous said...

This is one of your most inspiring writings. You two have something very special. Don't ever let that go. I love you both!

rough olive said...

Thanks you guys!
Your all my insperation