Friday, March 17, 2006


I listen to a lot of people telling me about their problems. Mostly about the shallow characteristics of how their “friends” treat each other. I can’t help but think about how lucky I am to be with my husband and have such great friends. People I can really trust.
But I have been thinking lately about how I need to trust people more and make friends, and be more social.
I can’t stop thinking about how if I do that, then I will be letting people into my life who have no real concern for my well being.
Do I really want that?
Should I open that imaginary door that I slammed shut and put some extra locks on to keep out the self destroy people?
I don’t think I am ready for that.
I think I am better off being a part of a silent none evasive friendship through bloging. That way I can speak when I want and no one will be looking to take my mojo from me, or tear me from my world with great consequence.

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