My main squeeze and I are trying to make some extra money and clear some clutter from out itty-bitty house so we are selling some of my old textbooks from last quarter on eBay. Last night we headed out around 9pm to the postal office by the airport that is open 24 hours a day. Once we got there we head in the doors books in tow and look for something to put the books in for shipping. The store that has the big envelopes was closed but that didn’t deter my husband one bit. He walked over to the counter grabbed the cheapest mail service envelope and proceed to stuff the biggest hardcover textbook we had into it.
To no ones surprise it didn’t fit but again my husband is no quitter and pulled the book out, turned it around and pushed till it j u s t fit. Then he squeeze the top shut and even though the top of the book could still be seen he grabbed some tape and covered that envelop leaving just enough room to put an address on it.
As we head to the line, which really isn’t very long since it is 9:30 by now, and stand there waiting patiently till one guy behind the counter decides to open just for us. We approach and throw out packages on the counter. We start to joke with the guy about what we are shipping and that our 1 year anniversary is coming up. We are all standing there laughing it up and ordering stamps.
Then it happens he gives us a balance and we hand him a debit card. He runs the card and walks away as it is processing. My husband looks over the counter and sees that he has been declined, Woops! The bank closed that card because there were suspicious charges on it that my husband didn’t make. Well that is ok we have another one and we hand it to him, hehe woops that one doesn’t have any money in it either because we just paid all our bills with that account.
Here comes me “I will save the day” I hand over another debit card and by this time the guy behind the counter can’t stop laughing at how poor we are. I mean we were just joking with him about how our first year of marriage has been a poor one and that is why the first gift is paper. THAT IS ALL ANYONE CAN AFFORD! Anyway so I hand him my card and say don’t worry this one should have something in it. Do I have to go on any more? It was declined. Hehehehehehe it was the same card my husband handed him but with my number on it.
Ok at this point we are asking if we could work off the different at the post office. The guy behind the counter can’t stop laughing at us and my husband is starting to really get embarrassed. Finally I pull out my debit card and it has just enough to cove the charge and we pay for our stuff and walk out of the post office like nothing ever happened.
Always something going on over here.
I hope ya’ll enjoy that one there are more to come.
!me encanta tara y manolo!
keep your head up kids! if things like this didn't happen, you wouldn't have interesting things to post on your blog, and funny things to laugh about 20 years from now when you're millionaire's!!!
i love you
I love you.... You have a nice way of putting things down.... Meow
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