Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Epiphany in the shower

My sister-in-law and mother-in-law are here in the states from Columbia, South America and I am really glad to have them. My husband’s side of the family rarely talks to me in English so I rely on what little Spanish I can speak and work off body language for the rest. That has been working out well for the past 5 years but I know that I have to learn their language. Manolo’s sister and mother will be with us for the most part of three months and spending time with other family members in the area.
I am amazed at how well we all get along, you know how some families change their song and dance after the wedding and relationships sour. Well all is looking good on my side of the picket fence and I am hoping that it stays that way.
Anywho, Manolo and I have had the house for two years and have lived together for about four years; though we have had people come and stay with us I have forgotten what it sounds like to have people in our home. I mean when you’re growing up all you know is people stomping through the house and TV’s being on full blast all the time. But for me I have forgotten all the sounds of a living house. I have been in my own dwelling for eight years and it just blows me away as to how sound sensitive I have become.
For the past three days I have had two more people in my house walking around, watching TV, and cooking in my kitchen. It is nice to have a house full of people and I always enjoy having people here because both our families live so far away, but it hit me just this morning, in the shower. If I let the noise become an unbearable burden then this experience of sharing my home will become an emotional scare that I will carry with me forever. However, if I instead dance to the new rhythm of my wooden house it can be a great experience. All the tapping of shoes, the pings of pots and pans, the muffled sounds of phone conversations as my bass line, do you hear a Disney musical happening here?
All and all I am glad to have them here and can’t wait to really focus on learning the native tongue of my new family. When I really think about it is just great to have more women in my house, you know hanging with the girls on the couch and knitting.


FRO said...

i love you guys and i'm glad that you're experiencing sounds that you're not used to!!! to me though, the quiet is strange. i'm used to having some running and stomping and screaming and t.v's full blast!!! i'd be lost if i didn't have it!! so you can come and live with me is what i'm getting at!! just kidding...not really!! i miss you and wish i was there to cook in your kitchen and watch your spanish t.v channells!!! i'm glad you have your family there! it will be a great experience for you both!!! especially when that little bundle of joy comes!!! i love you guys and miss you more than words can say!! love, fro

Anonymous said...

Thanks dude

Anonymous said...

i think you will eventually get used of the little noises. they will seem calming to you in the future. when your mother-in-law and sister return to columbia, you will be missing those noises of the house. like you said, if you let the noises get to you, it will drive you crazy. just relax and take in the extra company :)

Anonymous said...

I love you so much. I feel the same way that you are feeling now. I have been living on my own for six years and having them here is a little wear. Thank you for all your support and understanding. I love you mi amor