It is official I have finished school and am now a graduate for the second time. Really I don’t know what I was thinking but I am glad I did it. Adjusting to the free time I have had, I started to study sign language. This is something I have always wanted to learn but never had the time or the drive, but now that the baby is coming I really want to test his skills of development. I have been reading all kinds of books and practicing words all over the place. As of right now I can sign about 35 different signs. Manny has taken well to this and has been very supportive demonstrating to me the ones he remembers. I am total stoked about this!
The baby is fine and growing like a weed, literally I think he has taken up residency in my ribs. Let me tell you I have a new respect for mothers all over the world.
The baby is fine and growing like a weed, literally I think he has taken up residency in my ribs. Let me tell you I have a new respect for mothers all over the world.
But I know it is all worth it.
Official news in the family is that my sister-in-law is pregnant again with their second and we are counting the days till we can find out what the sex is. I think we are all hopping for a girl considering both Manny’s side and my side have all had boys. We need some chicas!
Well that is all that is going on in our house and for those of you who may read this I just sent out pictures of the pregnancy so I hope you enjoy them.
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