The signs are all there.
The test came out clear.
Two lines.
The house was filled with singing and dancing.
But then...
The doctor said something is a miss.
The sack is to small.
Your levels are to low.
It doesn't look like it should.
There is no heart beat.
I don't understand.
Now I have to make a choice
tar tar and manolo,
i know there is nothing i can say or do to help ease the pain you are feeling...i wish there was, but i know there is not. i'm so sorry that this is something that you have to experience. please know that in good time the pain will sub-side and you will understand why this has happened. many things happen to us that we don't understand, and we can't figure out the reasons for, no matter how hard we try...but in the end there is a reason, and when its right the answers are clear and the spell is broken. i know it doesn't help you much to know that i feel a bit of the pain you are going through, although my situation was not exactly the same. but mostly i feel your pain because you are my best friend and i love you dearly. it hurts me that you are hurt, and hurts me to know that the only thing i can do for you is be here. you are wonderful freinds, wonderful deserve the best life has to offer you. just know that good things happen to good people, and this is a hurdle to get you closer to all the wonderful things that are in store for you. i wish i had answers for you, i wish i could make the pain go away, i wish so many things for you... i love you guys, and i know i've said this before, but if there is anything that i can do for you, if you think of it, please let me know! i'll get in the car and drive my florida drive to be with you if that is what you need.
"this too shall pass"
You don’t have to talk to anyone right now, just know when you are ready we will be here. I will even talk to you during Lost. And I don’t mean the distracted grunts and “yea”’s you normally get.
Let me know if there is anything I can do or send.
Comfort food?
Lonz wine?
Buna Vista chicken?
Sun Rise Pizza?
Hot buttered noodles?
You name it I'll FedEx it!
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