First off let me just say to those who really read this, "I am Sorry that It has Taken Me so long to write this, it's just that I needed to be Inspired."
My life not just life in general but MY LIFE...
I just wanted to be able to understand and relate to everyone I ever met and though that has been a tall order to fill for a little girl born in a county hospital, I think I have done OK.
And even though part of me feels as though I am bragging another part of me " the Mother Theresa Side" takes hold and tells myself that it is what it is. I am who I am and in that I have the ability to understand, sympathize, and talk with people of all ages and of different backgrounds.
I have been told that I have a great gift for insulting people or just saying the wrong thing to them. I didn't mean to turn out that way I just developed that TALENT. None the less I come off as a well mannered country girl, at work BUT the truth is I let the people see parts of me that I want them to see.
You know come to think of it I always wanted to be an actor and famous. Maybe I am an actor in my life playing the part that I am in for that time.
You see with you I am, or play, the person who can relate to you.
1 comment:
"all the world's a stage, and we are mearly players"
"snewch to the mutha fuckin newch!"
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