I broke my routine last night and decided that after school I was going to go downtown to take some pictures and do some thinking. This is not abnormal for me because I used to do this when I was single, a long time ago. As I walked the streets there were a few homeless people that were huddled up on the old church steps and I couldn’t help but think about how I could be sitting there with them or I could return tomorrow with some hot soup to knock the chill off. As cautions as I have to be walking the dark streets in downtown I headed for more familiar territory, The Hub. This is a little bar my husband and our friends meet at from time to time. Upon my approach I see two men at an ATM, at this point my guard goes up and I begin to look around. As the two men walk from under the direct light to the street light I notice that they look vaguely familiar.
Hey… Wait… Is that…
Hey Manolo and Freddy!
It is my husband and our friend and they were just as shocked to see me as I was to see them.
Hey we are going to the Cotton Club, want to come?
Sure I was staring to get followed by some guy anyway. Let’s go!
What are the chances that I go to be alone and think and there is my husband walking the dark streets of downtown. Scary after being with someone for some time how you meet on the same level all the time.
So we jump in the car and head to Cotton Club.
This experience needs to be thought about before committing to paper so please stay tuned for the rest of the story.
Hey… Wait… Is that…
Hey Manolo and Freddy!
It is my husband and our friend and they were just as shocked to see me as I was to see them.
Hey we are going to the Cotton Club, want to come?
Sure I was staring to get followed by some guy anyway. Let’s go!
What are the chances that I go to be alone and think and there is my husband walking the dark streets of downtown. Scary after being with someone for some time how you meet on the same level all the time.
So we jump in the car and head to Cotton Club.
This experience needs to be thought about before committing to paper so please stay tuned for the rest of the story.
Hey, it was crazy running into you, too. I know about that church. Many homeless people have been sleeping on the steps there for some reason, maybe for security. People stop by all night to drop of food. I used to do Food Not Bombs in Tampa, which doesn't exist anymore, but the next cold that comes through we should go hook them up with some soup or something. I can probably get the ingredients for free.
I can round up some blankets.
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