There are a multitude of things happening right now.
Last weekend we were supposed to go to Ohio, but that in itself is still to disturbing to talk about and will have to be a rainy day story.
The truth is that I am home sick and need my pilgrimage.
I miss the quiet of my dad’s back yard and the somberness of the woods surrounding the house.
I want to use words like red up the room and not get crazy looks form people in ear shot.
I miss my dear friends and their kids.
I know there is always an option of moving back, but really there isn’t. You see the economy there is poor unless you are a doctor, lawyer, or part of the baby boomer generation. The great paying factory jobs that were there are slowly being phased out and that is why they call it the Rust Belt.
Which brings me to my next complaint; I am back in class with my most favorite teacher who I have previously written about. I will not mention any names just in case.
So we are having a class discussion about the wows of the corporate world and how to try to fix them when out of this guy’s mouth he says, “The manager who signed the contract with the union to give the employees three years notice on the closing of the planet is an idiot and should be fired.”
Ok that is where I can keep my silence no more.
I explain to him that I am from the Youngstown, Ohio area and come from generations of factory works. Being that he has spent some time in Cleveland, he knew where Youngstown is and what it is about, but apparently he has never lived the Blue Collar life. But that is ok and yes I know that the way things were is a thing of the past but he should respect my debate. I really laid into him, and thins is not just about Youngstown, it is about every small forgotten town in the US.
Anyway after I got tired of hearing myself talk I looked around the room and saw the faces of my poor classmates who had to watch me bleed my heard all over the room. I was totally unprepared to see myself in this passionate light and was a little embarrassed.
After this happened I had to rush home and consult the board of directors, being my sister and my dear friend Ang. Well Ang went along with me but Shannon was a little iffy.
Lesson learned. Do not express your blotted bleeding heart to your cut-throat republican teacher.
Side note:
I thought that years of listening to Jello Biafra and pounding the “Down with Corporate America” was behind me.
Guess not.
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