Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Fun Fun

Back from the Key’s with our wounded digestive systems and our pride in tacked; we are ready to start putting our, overly discussed, plan of attack into action. We spend most of our time in the Key’s together discussing our future over beers. For those of you close to us, you will start to see some changes appear. We are going to be as smart about our actions as we can and not just jump the gun. Our plan is simple but effective and will include saying goodbye for now to the place where we started.
It is time for a change and we need one.
The west will be a challenge to us, but to have lived without saying “ I ” took a chance from time-to-time would make my life seem like I took the easy way out.
And that isn’t me.

I don’t care how many times you wash your hands, your not squeezing my lemon.
~ Manuel Arismendy ~ Key West 2006

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Heading out...

This weekend Manolo and I are heading south to the Keys to hopefully enjoy some time off, but we will both be working on our school stuff. It is an ongoing thing in our life and we know that it’s worth it, but that doesn’t make it any easier. We are taking steps to make a new life in Seattle but that is slow going.

Angela’s wedding is coming up quick and we are just about to hit the cram time. This should be fun! I get to take a few days off work and see my family. This is my favorite part. I love them so much and can’t wait to settle down in a few years where we can all be closer. You know those summer picnics and the holidays together as our kids all run around like in Lord of The Flies. Maybe that will happen maybe not but it is a great thought for me.

Last night I received an email from a loge lost friend. Wow I have never been looked up, how cool is that. I never thought anyone would want to find out about me. It really made me think about how many people I have thought about looking up or looked up but has been unsuccessful in finding and this guy finds me. How cool!

I will be posting all the great pictures from our trip on Tuesday or Wednesday.
Keep coming back.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Passing of time

On June 9th my friend will be taking those steps down a path to a new life with her future in toe. She has given me the chance to be a part of that with her and I feel blessed for that.
Since last year we have been busying ourselves with the coordination’s for the perfect wedding. My sister Shannon, Angela, and I have been spending many hours talking on the phone and traveling back and forth between Tampa and Youngstown. This has given me a great since of what friends… wait… wait… family is about. As the time grows shorter and shorter I have realized that in a few weeks it will all be over and we will all move to the next step. Just like Angela and Doug.
But I just can’t get over the strong relationship that has been built by this wedding.

Thank you for giving me and my sister friendship and thank you for Saidrea.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006


It has taken me a whole week to be able to talk about last weeks events.
For starters Mondays always suck and I spent the day thinking about how I was late on some homework and had a test to take on Tuesday. Not to mention I started my Monday morning off with my cold tea landing in my lap with white pants on…
Tuesday- I had my class and took my test and had another run in with my teacher because, this guy doesn’t want to give me extra credit because he doesn’t want to be bothered with it. (I am paying 60,000 dollars to go to this school and he has the audacity to tell me he doesn’t want to be bothered…ok I don’t want to be bothered with paying my bill…)
Wednesday was a heavy load work day at my so called career, and when I was studding in my car, eating a little din-din my soda exploded all over my lap and I swear it looked like I had wet my pants. Great I will not be defeated by drinks!! So I hoist my legs up into the air flying eagle/porn queen style and point my vents down full blast and dry my crotch out like a pro.
But hope came to me in class when I received a few complements for my photograph…”A” to me!
Thursday I didn’t have class so it was all good.
Friday I don’t remember I think I blocked out all the bad memories.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Insert title here

I just want to take this moment and give mention to the greatest husband ever. I love u.

I have swallowed my pride and come to the realization that I need my Bachelors degree, so I put myself back in school. But I have tried this before with other universities and it didn’t work, which is why I put my self in an art school. So far so good. Love the school and the classes are very understandable for me.

This quarter in school I have a Principals of Finance class that has been unceremoniously kicking my ass. My PF class is the worst of all because it is the mechanical side of things not the art side of things. Now I realized that my PF class was going to be challenging because I know that I do not work well with calculations, so on the second day of class I asked my teacher for extra credit. He said that he didn’t want to bother with that because he didn’t know how to hand extra credit out. (Side note I pay for this guy)


Now we are five classes in and I am pulling a BIG OLD “D” on all my work. HEHEH

Please don’t think that I am not pulling my weight, I have been doing the homework and participating in class. But still after I took the quiz last night I realized that I didn’t know anything about what he was asking.

After I finish my quiz I stand up look at my teacher, and because I was the only one left (as usual) I asked him again for extra credit. This guy looks me dead in the eye and says “NO I don’t want to bother with that.”

At this point I am furious and need to excuse myself from the room in a very professional manor.
Then I run to my car turn the radio up and screen until my back hurts.
HAAAAH that is better.

This is where Manny comes in.
I get home and don’t want to talk but my husband, the hero that he is, follows me around for a while then pulls it out of me. I keep my cool for the first few seconds then go into my sniveling wine mode that I can’t stand hearing my voice in so I go straight into scream mode.
My husband is waiting for my liftoff to outer space, and yet he is lending me his ear, without getting defensive or thinking that I am yelling at him. I love U.
Then came the hand jesters, which my sister and I have mastered, and my husband has learned to avoid those things, they sometimes have a mind of their own.
We continue talking for about an hour till I have used all my energy and get tired and go to sleep.

Thanks Pollito for letting me vent at a high decibel for however long I needed to, without thinking that it was you I was coming after.
Thank you…Thank you…Thank you…

Monday, May 01, 2006

High School... What?

Angela (a childhood friend of mine) and I go to our high school, 8 years after graduating, to see some old teachers. Well needless to say she and I were remembered. It was shocking that all the teachers we had, remembered us which is nice, but there was one teacher in particular that could not get over the fact that I was even alive. Mr. Wright my 8th grade science teacher could not believe that I had turned out to be such an upstanding, law biding person in society.

I was a bad kid in high school and he was sure to leave an impression on me as too how bad I really was.

For a moment there I was standing in front of his class doing a speech on “Be cool stay in school” and “Just say NO” funny how things change. He even pointed to me and said to his class “She was the worst and I didn’t think she would make it.”

Then Angela and I raided his storage to get two 1998 year books (our graduating year) and we were off, or so we thought. He said that will be 35 dollars a piece.

Thirty Five Dollars!

It took me 8 years to get to that point in my life where I accept the fact that I even went to high school and he wants to charge me 35 dollars!

It’s in the mail…